Saturday, December 19, 2009

Life's a Trip...

So, after having just completed one of the longest road trips I've ever taken, Sara and I are finally back in Arkansas. I'll tell you one thing, it was an odd feeling driving back into an area that I actually recognized. I was full of emotion but I truly couldn't tell you what that emotion was...excited, anticipation, name it, I felt the full range and I couldn't explain why. I felt like I was so delusional from just having been up for nearly 30 hrs with about 4 hours of uncomfortable sleep that I didn't understand the feelings. Now that I'm sitting at "home" with my parents, I think about the realization I had on the way here. I realized that I had become the one in the family that was going to be traveling home for the holidays...never thought that would be me...didn't even see myself living outside of Arkansas, much less half way across the Country! I will tell you, seeing that first Arkansas license plate and HOG sticker on someones truck brought back my Arkansan PRIDE instantly!!!

I look at all that God has taken us through in the last year and can't help but wonder what is going to happen this next year. At this point a year ago, we were planning on moving back in with my parents on our way out to Wilmington, NC...and now we will head back in 2010 knowing that there are some huge possibilities ahead of us in the near future(More on this as details come). I'm pumped to see what God has in store, but I'm truly looking forward to seeing all of our family in the next two weeks and getting a chance to reconnect and relax. God is doing a work in my heart, and I just don't want to get in the way of what He has planned. As many of us have the chance to take some time off, I would encourage you to not only to focus on family, but sit down and focus on what it is that God wants from you, make sure you are healthy during this break. Relax, recharge, and seek God. I'm looking for God to really speak and reveal things to me over this break, and I hope that I can challenge you to do the same. God has something great in store for you no matter what position you are in currently, just look to Him and He will blow any expectations you have out of the water! Everyone have an amazing Christmas and ASK God to speak to you! SEEK HIM!!!

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