The details on the constantly confusing but awesome lives of Nick and Sara! We are following God where He wants us to go, and have no idea where that may ultimately lead us!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Heading HOME from Home!!!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Life's a Trip...
I look at all that God has taken us through in the last year and can't help but wonder what is going to happen this next year. At this point a year ago, we were planning on moving back in with my parents on our way out to Wilmington, NC...and now we will head back in 2010 knowing that there are some huge possibilities ahead of us in the near future(More on this as details come). I'm pumped to see what God has in store, but I'm truly looking forward to seeing all of our family in the next two weeks and getting a chance to reconnect and relax. God is doing a work in my heart, and I just don't want to get in the way of what He has planned. As many of us have the chance to take some time off, I would encourage you to not only to focus on family, but sit down and focus on what it is that God wants from you, make sure you are healthy during this break. Relax, recharge, and seek God. I'm looking for God to really speak and reveal things to me over this break, and I hope that I can challenge you to do the same. God has something great in store for you no matter what position you are in currently, just look to Him and He will blow any expectations you have out of the water! Everyone have an amazing Christmas and ASK God to speak to you! SEEK HIM!!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Just Be Jesus!!!
So, after thinking this morning about what I was told and what I was "trained" to do in the Baptist Church, I came to the conclusion that the only way to truly reach people is to love them and JUST BE JESUS!!! This begs me to ask the question, how do you make friends? Do you just walk up to some strangers door and ask them to be your friend or be friends with someone else they don't see with you? NO, you get to know them, let them learn to trust you, and live life together helping each other through the hard times. This to me is the way that we should do, not to say that some door to door evangelism doesn't work, I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that know Christ because of some bold kids, but you know as well as I do that when someone knocks on your door, your first reaction isn't...AWESOME, someones at the door! I've learned to love those around me, build relationships, and let Jesus reach them through that, I just need to be Jesus to them!!! Jesus went into the homes of those he knew or he had met through daily living, NOT just knocking on a door and asking them to be his friend and welcome him in for the night....I challenge you to search the scriptures, look at the life of Christ and see what it is that He is calling you to do and how, and JUST BE JESUS
Sunday, December 13, 2009
We're Opening the Small Boxes
To fill you in, the last couple weeks have been a sort of cleansing process by God...getting rid of the junk in our lives that may cause us to stumble and He is setting us up for something BIG! Barefoot Church is an amazing church with an incredible heart for the people of North Myrtle Beach. God has a plan and I look forward to seeing what that is, but for now, I'm going to focus on the small gifts that God has given me and never lose sight of God! We so look forward to continuing to build the relationship we have started with Barefoot Church!!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Life Change All Up In My Face
I was sharing with our Sunday morning, 5AM bible study guys a couple of weeks ago out a situation with my car. Basically, my car got towed for no reason and I fought for about 5 hours on the Saturday before I shared with them to get it back without paying. Without going into all of the details on that situation I will go into detail on the conversation I had with my neighbor who had a friend staying with her whom also had her car towed(Her's was a legit tow, mine on the other hand...I did get it without paying if your wondering!) While we sat in the lobby of our apartment complex waiting for things to unfold, the conversation started out with them dropping just about every four letter word you can think of out of frustration. I'm going to give you a break down of how the conversation went so if you don't follow it, read it again and I think it will make since.
So, it started out talking about how we felt about the complex, what I paid for our 2 bedroom, were we lived previously, how much more expensive and smaller that it was, if Sara was my wife living with me, then how we had ended up in Wilmington, what I do for work, the fact that she used to work for the lady that replaced, how she hated it, what I used to do for work, that I'm a youth pastor, if I work at a church now and what church we go to now, how she feels like she needs to get back to going to church and wants to be connected in a small group, the fact that me and Sara lead the Life Groups at Lifepoint....inviting her to come back to church and check out Lifepoint.
Now that I'm done with that, I hope you followed the progress of conversation. The biggest point that I want to make is that in all of the frustration and just staight up being pissed off that my car had been towed and they were wanting me to pay $100 to get it back, I made a point at the beginning of the day to ask God to use this situation rather than focusing on the situation. All said and done, I was pumped to know in my own heart that I had done what God wanted me to. I was fulfilled in know that, without knowing that she may come to church some week, which by the way she did a couple weeks later with another friend of hers...and she said she loved it! As I sit in the same spot I did that morning and remember the feeling of frustration but realization that its not about me or my situation but that God has a plan in all things makes me realize how important it is to slow down and look for God in all that we do. So, when I wake up, when I go to work, when I look at my wife, focus has to be on what God wants from me!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
It's been a while!
PS...Starting on a plan of getting out of Debt and will be giving updates periodically, but pray for Sara and I to stick to it and kick this Debt we have in the Teeth!!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
If you attend Lifepoint, you NEED to read this!
So, I don’t quite know how to go about telling this but here goes. We were absolutely blown away last night in our Life Group. Our group is comprised mostly of younger couples from what we had gathered from talking with everyone, but we also knew there was a couple that we didn’t know much about, that was new to Lifepoint, and that was looking to get plugged into a couples the way, we also knew that she had an accent from talking with her on the phone. NOW, bringing you to tonight. We only had 4 people show up, but we had a dating couple that attends UNCW who we haven’t met before come, and then our foreign friend and her Personal Assistant. Now, when I say Personal Assistant, I mean a individual that is helping her get acclimated to the
Friday, July 31, 2009
This is why I love my church!!!
Pastor Jeff has set an amazing vision before us as Lifepoint Church, and God is going to do whatever it takes through our church to reach this city and beyond. I pray that we would all come behind Pastor Jeff and do whatever he leads us to do because he is annointed by God to reach this city...and with that said, we will do whatever we are asked in order to reach people, and with grace, we will guide these Life Groups under the vision of our Pastor! WHO'S IN? It fires me up to see God move the way He is moving and to hear from people in our church who are IN!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
No Doubts
Life has gotten completely crazy for us here lately. Let me try to explain, this may take a while. When you move to an area where you don't know anyone, you have no jobs, and it was kinda the throw the dart at the map and move where it hits type thing, I'd say we had pretty much laid it all on the line and told God that if He wanted us here, He would have to provide for us, and giving up that control was hard enough, especially if you know me and most definitely if you know Sara very well at all!!! We've been here for 4 months and 9 days and after just asking Sara, she agrees that it has been the most exciting but scariest time of our life! We haven't ever grown this much in Christ. I can tell you from my perspective that if you would have asked me 9 days ago, I would have told you that I had some feelings of "God, are we REALLY supposed to be here?" "God, how is this going to work?" To say the least, I was confused and ready for something new! Then as I was sitting at the pool I WAS working at as a lifeguard for the summer, my phone rang. I didn't recognize the number but went ahead and answered thinking it was probably someone from the church or one of the other pools. When I answered a lady asked for me and then asked if I would be interested in interviewing for a job at Codington Elementary School here in Wilmington for the After School Program Coordinator position. I DIDN'T EVEN APPLY TO THAT SCHOOL!!! Long story short, within a week, I was filling out a hiring packet and within days I was on staff working at the school...can God answer prayers or what?!?! BUT, that's not the last couple days, Sara and I have been approached about a new opportunity at the church and we're pretty pumped about it! God is really putting us in a position to reach people and I can't tell you how awesome this is!
So, with a guarunteed job for the next year and a crazy awesome opportunity to serve the people of Lifepoint Church, I'd say that my doubts and questions about if we are really supposed to be here have been answered! God has been faithful to us 100%, we just don't tend to focus on all we have, but all we wish we had. I constantly get asked what brought us to this area, and now the only answer that I can truthfully give that God called us here and I wan't to open my life to whatever He may have in store for us! For those of you that read this, hold me accountable to that! God has blessed us with amazing friends, an increadable church, and finally a job, and my heart goes out and prays for those that are still searching, God has something out there for you so use this time to get as close to Him as possible!!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Daily Tearing down of my Pride
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sara hasn't found a job at the moment, but she has literally tried and looked everywhere! Trust me, if she was supposed to have a job right now, she would. God is just giving her a break from work, which for her is totally not normal! She even feels like she's not doing enough, but I'm often encouraged not only by her words, but her passion for those around her, volunteering, and just seeking what it is that God wants her to do! Thank you Jesus for a Godly Wife!
Anyways, here are a few new pics just to give you an idea of some of the coolness that we are a part of now!
The first pic is from Greenfield Lake downtown, "there's gators in there!"
The second one is down on the "ROCK" south of Ft. Fisher.
The two with the Helicopter are from the Lifepoint Helicopter Egg Drop for Easter...isn't that nuts! The last pics are from the beach we frequent, the last two are of another crab that didn't have the best fate!!!
Love you guys, later!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
My mind races
I was attempting to clear my head on my own, so I was trying to be quite by playing my electric guitar and trying ever so humbly to learn how to play a song by Phil Wickham called True Love. The man is absolutely amazing, can sing in a range that most girls can't even hit, and I have found out that he uses what is called a DADGAD tuning...what!!! To save you the boring Guitar info, and get to the point, I was listening to the song, mind still racing with all sorts of things, and then God put it on my heart to truly listen to the song! The lyrics took all my worries and threw them out the window! I challenge you to go listen to this song! You can actually download a free CD from his website! Give it a listen. The song starts out by saying that God is more faithful than the morning. THAT'S ALL I NEED, i don't know about you! If I know that He's there for us no matter what, just like I know the morning will come in the next 7 or so hours, then what in the WORLD do I have to worry about!!! But it doesn't stop there, its truly a song of hope and victory! Not only has TRUE LOVE died for me, you, everyone....but He's ALIVE! One of the first things I remember doing as a Christian was making a corny bracelet the summer right after I became a Christian, but I remember thinking so hard on what I wanted my beads to spell out! Others had put Jesus, or God, or something of the like. I remember finally coming up with the perfect thing, and its amazing how God will remind you of the small things that made so much sense to you then when you feel like everything is coming in on you! All my bracelet said was HE'S ALIVE, I wanted something on my wrist that wasn't normal, not just looked at and understood, but something I would have to explain when people didn't understand it! God has made my life that way, and I don't even realize it sometimes!
Last night, I had the opportunity to invite a coworker at the Gap to church, someone that said that going to Catholic service on Saturday night(to avoid the old snobs of the church on Sunday morning) was just another day for her, had been for her entire life! That honestly crushed my heart, because she was hurting and you could tell just by the way she talked! Sometimes I think how did I draw the short straw and end up as a lifeguard in North Carolina with a degree??? BUT REALLY, I'm blessed to have what I do, my WIFE, family, friends, NEW friends, church, ministry, etc...and God has given that to me freely, and this girl at the Gap has no idea that its right in front of her! God I PRAY that she will come to Lifepoint tomorrow! And I also pray that He would get rid of my pride, and allow me to realize how awesome it is to truly serve Him in all I do! How awesome would life be if we could constantly be reminded of how faithful our God is...Oh wait, look around you!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
From start to finish, everything that was talked about flowed perfectly, and these guys didn't share what they would be speaking on, there were no meetings to plan what would be talked about...this conference started by giving everyone a spiritual gut-check on the condition of their heart, then progressed to the logistics. It was great to hear some of the guys speak, I would try and pick out a few guys that were great, but they all brought it and left nothing unsaid! I love to hear church leader get up, not afraid of who they may offend by challenging their spiritual politics/hypocrisies, and just bringing it on what the bible truly says. I can't wait for them to get the other sessions up so I can watch the ones that I was unable to go to.
If you are in Conway, Greater Little Rock, or Heber Springs check out New Life Church, Rick Bezet is crazy awesome! Their church is really making an impact on that area, and it is amazing how God is using these people to reach out nationally too! With Kris Allen(Worship Pastor) in the spotlight with IDOL, God is using Godly men to reach his people, that is to stinkin sweet!
On a side note, but connected in a way to what was said at the conference, I've read Galatians last week and my heart was really opened to seeing stuff that I had never seen before! The church of Galatia is very similar to the church today. Paul talks about how the Galatians have made the law so important, that they might as well forget about what Christ did for them! That's harsh, can you imagine a church leader...say the Executive Director of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention to put this into today's context, coming forward and saying that the church today is all hung up on religion, rather than JESUS! NOT THAT I HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST ABSC, just an EXAMPLE!!! I would venture to say that that individual would no longer have a job within days!!! I think we all need to realize that its about JESUS and His people, not about adhering to rules placed by men, we have gotten so caught up in "how church is done," that I think alot of people have lost sight of what it means to truly be a Christian...a follower of Christ! I could sit here and try to explain this, but I'll leave it to the BIBLE...I think that would be clear enough!!!
Galatians 2:19-21
19For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. 20I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 21I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!"
I challenge everyone to read Galatians with this in mind! It has changed the way I live my relationship with Jesus! Its all of 6 chapters, 1 a day will take less than a week and 10 minutes a day!!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
We got to spend time with the staff/leadership of the church, and let me tell you, these guys are about to explode Jesus all over the East Coast. They have a passion and a desire to follow Christ like you wouldn't believe. It's all about Him, it's all about His people, and it's all about taking God everywhere they can! Hence the Vision for the church, LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS, SERVE THE WORLD! And they live it daily! I love the guys and God has really blessed us here!
On another note, its been, to say the least, a bit stressful trying to figure out if we were going to be able to pay our bills, and after being shown some CRAZY LOVE by some of the most awesome people ever, we are able to make it at least one more month! Sara is still in the works of finding a full time job, but is loving the work she is doing for Wilmington Parent! Me on the other hand, I've turned down two jobs, to end up working as the Head Lifeguard for the city of Wilmington. The other two jobs I turned down would have been awesome, but feel like God is leading me elsewhere. With this job, I'll have a pretty flexible schedule, which is what I need, mostly because I'll be the one doing the schedules! I thought I had hung up my whistle already, but I guess I'm going to dust it off...hopefully for one last hurrah!!! We have been blessed here, and can't wait to see what is still to come! We know without a doubt that we are where we are supposed to be.
I'll go into more detail about the conference tomorrow if I get the chance, they are still working on it, but you can click HERE and keep checking it if you would like to listen to/watch the speakers. They'll blow your mind!
-Ed Young JR. is amazing, and crazy...about a 7 on my scale
-C3 is an awesome church, with some amazing leadership
-If you are in Conway, Greater Little Rock, or Heber Springs check out New Life Church, Rick Bezet is awesome (by the way Kris Allen is their worship pastor, and does it blow anyone away that there are two...2 worship pastors in the TOP 4!!!)
-Ed Young JR. wears really tight pants, he's really likes HILLSONG
-Met Kevin Mawae Tennessee Titans Center, shook his hand, broke mine, the dude is huge, has an amazing story, and LOVES JESUS!!!
I'll be back, love you all!
By the way, Congrats to those of you Graduating from the UofA, AWESOME...sorry we can't be there for it!!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Conference Invite/ LIFE?!?!
I'm supper pumped about tomorrow, because it will be the first week of normal services(however you may define normal) at the church after Easter. We had over 1200 people show up for 3 different services, and as I said, like 20 people make a life change to follow Christ! With the numbers in the air, that would be nearly 500 visitors, many 1st time visitors, and crucial family members of some of the attenders, pray for the church, because instead of having just 700, we may be pushing those numbers again and only having 2 services! Thank God for the volunteers at the church, I've never seen a group of people desire to serve harder than these people! Lifepoint has given them an opportunity to meet with, understand, and develop a relationship with God, and now they are taking that amazing relationship, and doing whatever it takes to reach those around them! It is awesome to hear people asking us to pray for their family members to come to church...WE'VE BEEN HERE 5 WEEKS... and even asking us to pray that they would see major change in these peoples lives!
The opportunities that have opened for us are amazing, and that is one of the things that has been able to keep our spirits up! With not very much luck when it comes to jobs, its hard to understand what God is doing when we are trying to figure out where the money is coming from, but we know it'll be provided! Just an encouragement, when it seems like everything is just crap...think about how awesome it is to have family and friends around us that care...that's what's keeping us up, and a God that is doing something so much greater than a stinkin job...I pray that we'll be used in any way possible! As the staff tends to say, we look forward to doing whatever it takes, doing Anything short of sin to reach people! What I'm learning is that God doesn't need a job to supply us with what we need, but that doesn't mean I'm completely reliant on that!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE A FULL TIME JOB!!! I'll regret saying that someday!
So I'm ranting/rambling a bit, but things a quite interesting around here. I'll try to update more often, as often as I can, as requested! Thanks for the support and prayers, love you all
Monday, April 13, 2009
It's unreal!
Still looking for jobs, but God is definitely providing! Praise Jesus for that! Love you all, later!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
So, where do I start?
That's just the half of it! Lifepoint contacted Sara and I 3 times after Sundays service...within 3 days, I'm supposed to meet with the staff for lunch here in the next week or so to give them the low down on us and what God's doing, just got a call from the youth guy at PC3 to meet in two weeks, and both me and Sara start new jobs this next week!
But I want to just give you an idea of how God has been working around us!
-Right after my last blog, I was pulled over by a Wilmington Sheriff's about WELCOME TO NORTH CAROLINA! He slapped me with a "careless and reckless" ticket with a court date set in May. Come to find out, North Carolina has the strictest traffic laws in the country. Talked with the people at our apartment office to get some info, they hooked me up with a city police officer who lives on sight, he told me that the ticket was bogus, and after calling me back a couple days later, said he would accompany me to court as a character type witness and also gave me a contact to a local pastor he knew in Wilmington and thought it might be a cool connection!!! Just wait, it gets better!
-We decided we would look into getting our cars insured in NC to get all that JAZZ taken care of! Come to find out, the Insurance agent we randomly decided upon is a Christian who asked us where we were going to church, offered to escort us to their churches, and then told us to just pray to see where God would lead us in choosing insurance!?!? WHAT...does that happen?
-Then, today, after going to Best Buy and having Pastor Jeff of Lifepoint holler at us from down the aisle, and talking with him for a bit, and setting up vague lunch plans, we went to get a local bank account, and come to find out, the guy that was helping us was a missionary in Russia for a year after college, has been in ministry, and is now working at the bank and invited us to his church here in Wilmington!
If God's not at work here, I don't know what is going on! We're still waiting for some of the financial situations to pan out, and jobs to line up, but hey, it's going good so far! I'll keep you updated!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Update from the Port City!!!
One quick thought, God is really putting on my heart the importance of study with Him. I've realized that the nights that I go to bed after spending time looking at, studying, and reading His word, I seem to sleep much better, that is unless He puts something on my heart and I can't stop thinking about it!!! God is awesome, and has truly been faithful to us in this move! Please take the time to thank God for His grace, because without it...I know Sara would have probably already KILLED me by now! HAHA....P.S. Sara says Hi, and thank the Lord for Income Tax Returns! COME VISIT IF/WHEN YOU CAN!!! We'll hook you up!!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
We're here!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Well, we're off!!!
The realization finally hit me; not after saying goodbye to family, friends, etc...but when I realized that I'd be waking up tomorrow morning, hitting the road, and not being in Arkansas for the next several months. When I know that the place I've always called home will no longer be within an hours starts to pull at me, and Sara's the same way, the only thing that we can say has been consistent throughout our lives is now not going to be within immediate reach. And I can't openly go outside and call the hogs and instantly have others join in...I'll just get the neighbor who thinks I'm absolutely insane!
It's something that I've done for the past several years, and while it may sound weird, it strikes a cord with me and has convicted me. I try not to say "Goodbye" when leaving friends and family...I purposely say "later" because I plan on seeing everyone again, no matter the time, date, or place! Not sure why I share that, but it truly makes me look at my relationships in a Godly way...and I honestly do want to see everyone again!!!
We have reached a point where the emotion of leaving our amazing friends and family has taken hold, but we do want everyone to know that it is out of love, not sadness! We look forward to hearing everything that is going on with those we care for, and also look forward to sharing our story with those interested. So, as I sit here knowing that I'm about to go to bed at 8, wake up at 2...and hit the road, I'm ready! SO READY, to see what God has in store for us in Wilmington! God, PLEASE protect us...and be with our friends and family! Bless them as much as you have used them to bless our lives day in and day out!!! Amen
Love you ALL!
Next time we talk, I'll be a hog fan in a state of BLUE??? GO HOGS!!!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
T-Minus 7
I have gotten a job with Coastal Horizons, a prevention based organization that works with teens and other individuals that are high risk or at risk of drugs, alcohol, etc... What I'll be doing is working with the Outdoors center working with teens and such on the Alpine tower high ropes, low ropes, and also sea kayaking/canoeing down in the ocean and in the bay of the Cape Fear River. Sara has gotten some freelancing work with several of the area magazines and is also most likely going to be working with the Magazine-Wilmington Parent. She will be doing a lot of the same stuff she has been doing/will continue doing for Peekaboo in NWA! put it straight, things are actually coming together! I don't think there are very many people ready to leave comfort as much as Sara and I are. We can't wait to get out there...just trying to be patient. God has really been working on me in several different ways, and its stretching me in ways I didn't realize! I'm growing as a youth pastor, and I'm not even pastoring youth yet! He is showing me things that will be very helpful in the days to come, and I'm pumped! God has made it very clear to us that He wants us in the Wilmington area, now we just get to see what he has in store for us! As always, we will miss everyone, and we would love to see everyone before we leave, but that's just not Humanly Possible! Please feel free to contact us any time you want! We love hearing from people and getting a glimpse of what God is doing in those that we care abouts lives!
Just a small something to chew on! I've been reading through Matthew...and God's shown me things that I've never realized before, maybe because I'm a bit slow sometimes, but man is this awesome! It blows me away in chapter 16 when Jesus is talking to Peter. Jesus asks who am I, and after several "answers" He asks again...who do you say I am? Peter replies and that conversation ends up with Christ telling him that on him, on the rock, God will build his church...the CORNERSTONE OF THE CHURCH! Right after that in a matter of 5 verses, Jesus tells of His soon to come death, burial, resurrection. Peter pulls Jesus aside and REBUKES JESUS(that's just dumb), and tells him that this would NEVER HAPPEN! Peter just doesn't know when to keep his mouth SHUT!!! Jesus then looks at the CORNERSTONE OF THE CHURCH and says, get behind me Satan, you are a stumbling block to me because you are to worried about the things of man, and not God! If that not encouraging to those feeling like they are called to lead, I don't know what is! When the cornerstone of the church can also be the stumbling block to others, then I know that I have no right to be anyone great, but God is still going to use me and call me to do so! I'm ready, who's with me?
Thursday, February 26, 2009
OK, Here Goes!

When we got there, I thought I had found a slice of Heaven here on earth, and it was an awesome sign that things were going to be good for the rest of the trip. While sitting in a somewhat sketchy Wendy's, waiting for our Pastor friend that we had connected with via e-mail, I tasted my sweet tea...and let me tell you, that was BY FAAAARRRR the strongest sweet tea ever!!! I took a drink, and had to let it soak in for a second. Once Gary(pastor friend) came in and we met him(awesome guy...more on him and the church to come) we found out that its not uncommon in that area to get SWEET sweet tea! Kinda their thing! to keep from boring you with a minute by minute summary, hear are some pics to give you an idea of what was in the area, what we did, and where we'll be living!!!
There is a man-made walkway across the bay that connects some of the Islands, this is the start of it that I'm standing on!
Here are a few more pics from the trip!
Old docking Pier near Fort Fisher.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
We're back! And man do I have a story!
During our flight home, we had the privilege of hearing an older woman completely pour her heart out to a younger girl on the way from the Houston airport to Tulsa. They were sitting right behind us(yes, I was eaves dropping)! It was interesting hearing someone share their faith, without hesitation! I know that it should be that easy, but often times when I'm in just a random conversation with someone I just met, I don't typically look for ways to share Christ, I'm to worried about other things...and that is one way I fall short. But this lady was hitting on all cylinders! She would just strike up conversation, then lead it towards matter what they were talking about! They seemed to be having a great conversation, laughing, carrying on...when I realized that she had really gotten somewhere with the younger lady. She(younger lady) went on to explain about how she was raised in a home with little religious influence, and within the last year or so she had really felt something pulling her to find out what she believes. She didn't make a decision, and I was so thankful that the older woman left it up to the younger girl to make the decision...but man, was there ever a seed planted!
When the plane landed, the Christian older lady explained that she hoped to see her again someday, and seeing as to the odds of ever seeing someone you randomly sit by on a plane ever again, she said she hoped it would be in the younger lady left...she said something that blew me away!!!! She said, "Thanks for talking with me, I enjoyed it! I'll see you again someday!" Enough said!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
My Thoughts are Running
So, my thoughts may not make sense completely, but there it is! We leave on Saturday around Noon! We will be getting back in town Wednesday later in the afternoon! I can't wait to share with everyone what God is doing in Wilmington! Our hearts are starting to get attached to an area that we've never been to before! If that's not God I don't know what is!!! We want to stay connected and help everyone in any way possible! Please let us know how we can pray for you! This is the least we can do!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
So, Here's the down low!
-Back in November, as some know already, we were serving at The Church at Arkansas in Fayetteville. We love the church and I(Nick) was working as the Youth Pastor intern when the church decided that they would no longer be able to keep me/bring me on as the youth pastor beyond December. So when we found this out, the search for a full time position for me as a youth pastor began! We've been searching non-stop since and other than a few churches showing interest with some feedback, we have had nothing set in stone. We currently are in contact with two churches, one in Roann, IN(good luck finding that one) and another in Simpsonville, SC just southeast of Greenville. These churches are current possibilities but the one in Indiana wouldn't start until May...and the church in South Carolina is in the process of narrowing down candidates(that's always fun to hear)!
-Now, on to what we are currently doing! We have moved out of Fayetteville, and are now transitioning in Van Buren with my parents/working as Substitutes in the VB School District/and are now looking at moving to Wilmington, NC! WHY, you ask...great question!
-Since we've felt God calling us out of Arkansas, we have constantly felt a call to the east cost and in particular, the Carolina's! After being contacted by churches in that area, and seeing what God is doing in those areas, we decided that maybe God was wanting us to just go! We sat down, looked for about 45 minutes each online, and came up with a couple places. After going through each, we realized that the area that Sara had chosen would be the opportunity that God was calling us to! I told her that once we picked a place, I would go online and contact every church in the area that looked to be moving forward and active in the community! After doing this, I was contacted by a church the following day called Horizon Church. The pastor, Gary Keyes, has treated us the way that you would expect to be treated by a fully devoted man of God! He is trying to help us in ways we didn't expect, and has truely given us a vision of Christ at work in Wilmington through our conversations with him.
-We decided this last week that we would visit Wilmington, so we are flying out Saturday, Feb. 21st to set up jobs, apartment, etc...and we are pumped about what God is doing in our lives! We will be setting up a 3 month lease so that if God does call me to be the youth pastor at a church, we will be able to leave quickly, and if we are being called to stay and minister in Wilmington, we will know exactly what God wants by then! Please keep us in your prays and we will definitely keep you up to date on what is going on through this Blog! We will miss everyone and wish we could see and hang out with everyone before we go, but as we all know, thats pretty much impossible! We love you all, and just remember, if you want to visit, feel free! If there is anything or anyone that we can be praying for, please let us know that as well! Well, I guess that all for now! I'm out!