So, I don’t quite know how to go about telling this but here goes. We were absolutely blown away last night in our Life Group. Our group is comprised mostly of younger couples from what we had gathered from talking with everyone, but we also knew there was a couple that we didn’t know much about, that was new to Lifepoint, and that was looking to get plugged into a couples the way, we also knew that she had an accent from talking with her on the phone. NOW, bringing you to tonight. We only had 4 people show up, but we had a dating couple that attends UNCW who we haven’t met before come, and then our foreign friend and her Personal Assistant. Now, when I say Personal Assistant, I mean a individual that is helping her get acclimated to the U.S. (getting a bank account set up, drivers license, all the stuff we see as normal and a pain)!!! Through talking with them, we found out that she has only been in the U.S. since Thursday, September 10th as I recall (three weeks!). On Friday, she received a door hanger from Lifepoint saying something about a Church. Now, on to the amazing back story! She and her son moved here from Germany, but her son has been here since school started back in August by himself...HE’S 14! She received a lottery Green Card for her family from the U.S. last year, and their family has decided to take the chance of giving up everything in Germany to see if God is calling them to the U.S. Her son told her in moving here that they needed to find a church...HE’S 14...and Lifepoint is there with an invite, God is at work here! Her husband is still in Germany, and pending finding jobs and such here in Wilmington, he will be visiting for 4 weeks in December and possibly giving up his job, land, etc. in Germany to make Wilmington, NC, U.S.A. their home! God is amazing in that we were planting Midtown the week they moved here, a week earlier and they would have never gotten the door hanger! Instead of figuring out the Midtown thing, they went online, Googled Lifepoint and visited our Ashley Campus that Sunday, 3 days after moving here. Now in talking with her tonight, she and her family are all Christians, and know that God has put them and Lifepoint here for a reason. They have attended every weekend since, and she said that this past weekend’s message on life choices made it clear that she was following God and he is in control. Her son has even attended the Ignite service and loves it! God is doing amazing things here in this city and I can’t wait to see what’s next! Now, if that doesn’t pump you up about what God is doing through Lifepoint Ashley, and now Lifepoint Midtown, I think we may need to hook you up to some jumper cables!